Litcham School need total refurbishment Food Technology Room
Litcham School desperately needed a total refurbishment of their existing food technology environment. The new room needed to help encourage new students to take up the food technology subject and be an attractive environment to learn in, as well as delivering all the practical requirements needed for lessons.
Litcham required the room to have a bright modern feel with new appliances and a dedicated area for teacher demonstrations and theory lessons. The room’s existing layout did not provide adequate storage areas for the preparation and teaching materials. There were minimal work surfaces for the students and insufficient works stations. Furthermore, students also were not facing the teacher when doing theory, which was less than optimal.

Insufficient Storage
Lack of Workstations

Poor Classroom Layout

Trespa Worktops

Trespa Worktops

Trespa Worktops

Trespa Worktops

Trespa Worktops

Trespa Worktops
Litcham School

How Brookhouse Transformed Litcham School's Food Technology Roomq
BrookhouseUK worked closely with the head of the department alongside the school’s business manager to reconfigure the room to achieve the best utilisation of space and satisfy the requirements within budget.
A chevron-style island design with a perimeter workstation provides the needed storage, work surfaces and workstations, as well as giving the room a new ‘wow’ feel. In order to be able to accommodate this design it required the structural wall at the end of the room to be removed.
By being creative with the layout and design, BrookhouseUK was also able to achieve a fantastic area for both theory and practical lessons. Students can now face the teacher during theory and have large work surfaces for the practical work.
The design also incorporates floor-to-ceiling storage along with tray storage to give the teachers plenty of space to organise their equipment. This bright, light, modern space with stylish blue finished handleless kitchen units creates the perfect impression and helps attract more students to take up the subject.